Mini-Kickers Flavored Cricket Snacks Gift BoxWhat an unexpected gift for people concerned about sustainability, nutrition, and the humane treatment of animals. Three flavors in one box. Sweet = Orange Creamsicle With around 100 crickets per tube, there’s even enough to share. Benefits of Eating Crickets:
MINI-KICKERS | Flavored Whole Roasted Cricket Snacks
Around 100 Whole Roasted Crickets per Tube.
Everybody gets a kick out of eating a cricket!
Mini-Kickers Flavored Crickets are an ancient food that’s good for you and good for the planet. They’re fun to eat.
Ask someone if they would like to try eating a flavored cricket and get ready for a reaction that can range from total disgust to “I Love It!”. Share a tube of Mini-Kickers Flavored Crickets, and you open up a world of adventure. Eating crickets is a culinary experience few forget.
There are nearly 100 flavored crickets per Mini-Kicker tube so you can share with a lot of people (or not – they’re healthy and Mini-Kickers taste great so it would be no surprise if you kept them all for yourself).
As novel as it is for people in our country, crickets are food still enjoyed by billions of people worldwide. Our southern neighbor, Mexico, enjoys around 200 different insects considered to be food. Crickets are a favorite. ‘True in many parts of the world.
Talk about nutrition – crickets are super nutritious. They are a powerful bio-available protein including all nine essential amino acids. Crickets are higher in antioxidants than orange juice, a natural prebiotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics), they provide an ideal Omega 3:6 ratio, packed with B12, Iron, calcium, and so much more.
Crickets are raised humanely using significantly less land and water than other meat, and they are sustainable.
It makes sense to add crickets to our diets. And, Mini-Kickers are a great way to introduce yourself and your friends to the practice of Entomophagy (eating bugs).
Good for Us and Good for the Planet.
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